Last year saw POC in Architectures first Model Making Workshop, which was a collaborative 2 week initiative with architectural practice Foster + Partners. We are excited to announce that the workshop will be running again with F+P and will take place this summer July.

Senior Partner at F+P, Armstrong Yakubu giving 2023 student s an office tour
The POC in A Model Making Workshop is about connecting our community of students with architectural practices in a way that Univeristy may not allow. As a Part 1 or Part 2 student you will work with professional model makers, be assisted by architectural designers and other departments within the practice. During your time at the workshop you will learn new skills, work collaboratively under pressure and network with other relatable students from across the UK and with architects within the architectural practice. Foster + Partners is a renowned practice with exceptional facilities and experienced design staff to help you as a student create your desired response to the brief and utilised the space provided as much as possible.
The Workshop runs for 2 weeks and in this time you will work in a group of approximately 5 to respond to a brief, you will test your ideas through model making on a small scale, to then work towards your final model for the presentation on the final day. The workshop doesn’t just provide an opportunity to up-skill but also provides a unique experience which can provide valuable lessons which are transferable to Univeristy or later on in practice.
Dates of workshop July 8th - July 19th
Time in the Foster + Partners campus will be evenings from 5/6pm - 8/9pm (tbc exact times).
You must use your day time to work with your groups to develop your designs, research and put together ideas and plan for your making days. So please only apply if you can balance and dedicate your time to the workshop period of two weeks.
Applications are open to Part 1 and Part 2 students who are currently enrolled at a University. Part of POC in Architectures manifesto is to make space and improve inclusivity for the most marginalise ethnic minority within the UK architectural industry, hence students applying must be of African and/or Caribbean heritage (black or mixed raced). For this program we try and make an equal balance of Part 1 and Part 2 as best we can, and all applications will be looked at in terms of effort, your work does not have to be perfect but we want to see effort in the applications to ensure our students enrolling are the most engaged. Please be aware that there are limited spaces available so get applying! Deadline closes: 15/06/2024
Please include in PDF format:
Course Name:
Year of Study:
Images of your work
A paragraph or two about yourself and why you would like to be accepted onto the workshop
Title your email: Model Making Applicant 2024
Applications to be sent to:

Model made by one of last years groups