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Writer's pictureSavannah W


Our second feature for ‘Be Inspired’ is a multidisciplinary designer Tola Oluolape. Tola is most known for her interior design studio, Tola Oluolape Studio, which has been recognised by Dezeen, The Standard, and Elle Decoration Magazine.

Tola Oluolape

| Tola first of all so our readers can get to know more about you, where did you grow up?

I am Nigerian by heritage and Irish in Nationality. I’m from Ennis County Care in the South West of Ireland. I moved to London in 2012 to study and pursue my career.

| What part of your younger years made you decide to venture into being a designer, interior design


I have always been creative for as long as I remember and was encouraged to forge my path and pursue my passions. I wanted to study Architecture initially however my teacher at school encouraged me to pursue Interior Architecture and I loved the idea of the course and have pursued it since.

| How did you decide that you wanted to venture out on your own and set up Tola Oluolape Studio?

I have always known I would start my own company as I come from a family of entrepreneurs and go getters. Being Nigerian, I have always seen and have family members with immense drive whom have actualised their vision in their various professions. A combination of timing and planning made the decision easier to pursue.

Tola Oluolape Studio project

| How long have you been running your business now?

I am currently in the third year of running the business.

| What would you say has been the most challenging and the most rewarding part of going out on

your own?

The most challenging part is the relentless work that has to be done to get a business off the ground and to a comfortable place, wearing various hats isn’t always easy especially when less experienced in some areas. The most rewarding part is the ability to see your vision come to life and resonate with a wide range of people as well being in a position to support various talent including collaborators, talent, makers, suppliers and more.

| Your studio ethos is set around the focus of culture, craftsmanship, materiality and tactility. Can you tell us more of your heritage and how you use this to form your concepts across different


I was detached from my heritage for a long time and over the last ten years I have immersed myself in the culture through travel, research and more. I found that the vernacular architecture, design ethos and maker approach resonated well and I wanted to apply this to my work.

Tola Oluolape Studio project

| What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would be relentless in my pursuit for all of my ideas, secondly be more confident and unafraid to put myself out there.

| Since you have started your business is there anything you would go back and change during the

initial start up years? Or does everything happen for a reason and we should take it in our stride!

I think take it in your stride as you can never plan it all. I am still in my start up years and I’m enjoying the journey. There are some practical things I would reconsider however they are minutiae in the grand scheme of things.

| What is coming next from Tola Oluolape studio?

We have started working on international projects which is so exciting as well a brand partnership which is also a dream come true.

| Where can our readers find you? @tola_oj on IG and TikTok

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